A warm welcome!

I am Longyu Zhou. Currently, I am working as a Reserach Fellow in Information Systems Technology and Design, collaborating to Prof. Tony Quek, at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore.

I have purchased a Ph.D. degree in School of Information and Communication Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Techonology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, (2019-2023). During my Ph.D. journey, I worked as a visting student in Embedded Systems Group (Supervised by Dr. Qing Wang) at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Delft, the Netherlands for almost one year (2022-2023). Before that, I have spent one year on Master's career at UESTC (2018-2019). My bachelor degree was obtained at Chongqing Univeristy of Post and Telecommunications (2014-2018).

My research focuses on Digital Twin and 6G applications in UAVs-based mobile scenarios with the optimization of Artificial intelligence algorithms such as deep learning, federated learning, and deep reinforcement learning. I have gotten high-quality journal papers (such as IEEE TMC and IEEE TWC) and conference papers with best paper awards. You can find details at research page and my tutorials!



Invited to serve the IEEE Globecom (Selected area in Big Data) as a TPC member.
Invited to serve the IEEE ICCCN as a TPC member.
Our paper, Graph Learning Enhanced UAV Swarms for MTT, is accepted to IEEE Globecom.


Invited to serve IEEE ICCC as a TPC member.
Our paper, Federated Digital Twins, is accepted to IEEE TMC.
Our paper, Tiered Digital Twins, is accepted to IEEE TWC.


Our paper, ISC in UAV Swarms for MTT, is accepted to IEEE TMC.
Our paper, Intelligent UAV Swarm Cooperation, is accepted to IEEE IOT-J.

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