- Education: Ph.D. at UESTC
- Organization: SUTD
- Contact: zhoulyfuture@outlook.com
- Address: SUTD, Singapore, Singapore
- Publications
- Tutorial
About Me
Welcome! I am Longyu Zhou. Currently, I am working as a Reserach Fellow in Information Systems Technology and Design, collaborating to Prof. Tony Quek, at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore.
I have purchased a Ph.D. degree in School of Information and Communication Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China, (2019-2023). During my Ph.D. journey, I worked as a visiting student in Embedded Systems Group (Supervised by Dr. Qing Wang) at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Delft, the Netherlands for almost one year (2022-2023). Before that, I spent one year on my Master's career at UESTC (2018-2019). My bachelor's degree was obtained at Chongqing University of Post and Telecommunications (2014-2018).
My research focuses on Digital Twin and 6G applications in UAVs-based mobile scenarios with the optimization of Artificial intelligence algorithms such as deep learning, federated learning, and deep reinforcement learning. I have gotten high-quality journal papers (such as IEEE TMC and IEEE TWC) and conference papers with best paper awards. You can find details at research page and my tutorials!